About Us
Experience exceptional results in your skin & body treatments. Every service offered is a results based service. Our facial treatments use some of the most innovative technology available with holistic principles. The products used are highly active, yet gentle & work in conjunction with the body's natural responses. We believe in using only pure, natural ingredients & clean cosmeceuticals that are never tested on animals. All services are customized to each person's individual needs. Your comfort & peace of mind comes first.
Our Philosophy
We believe in enhancing your life with pure & natural living through holistic practices. A holistic approach means we are interested in engaging & treating the whole person. You can think of this as different levels, physical, emotional, mental, & spiritual. It's the concept that the human being is multi-dimensional & everything is interconnected. By taking a look at all aspects of your life we can find gaps that need to be filled to help aid in prevention of more serious issues. Prevention is a key factor when it comes to feeling good & living your best life.
Massage Therapy is an amazing tool proven to assist in pain relief, lowering inflammation, & stress reduction. Keeping stress levels low is also important in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
Taking good care of your skin is equally important to your healthcare. Your skin is the largest organ, & many times issues in your body show up on your face. Issues such as acne, eczema, dryness/oiliness, premature fine lines etc could be a cause of something greater going on inside. By balancing & nourishing your skin (both from the inside & out) you will be putting your best face forward.